OV Kunsmis

OV Kunsmis

OV Kunsmis

OVK prides itself in investing in the ideas and initiatives of its farmer-shareholders. To this avail OVK, as part of its expansion strategy, established a fertiliser plant of more than R20 million in Bethlehem. To satisfy the needs of farmer-shareholders in their expressed need for fertiliser, blended according to their specific needs.

OVK agriculturists co-operate with farmers to determine their unique requirements, thus providing them with rapid access to tailor-made fertiliser blended according to their choice. The Plant Manager states that it is their priority to provide clients with first-class service and quality fertiliser of their choice. In this respect OVK is now able to compile a complete package of services for its clients. This makes precision farming and improved production for farmers a reality.

Contact details for plant:
Tel: 058 303 1348 or 071 674 2832
Weekdays 08:00 - 17:00 (Monday to Friday)
The plant is situated in the Industrial zone of Bethlehem.